The Role & Goal of Education
[Some thoughts for Students, Parents & Teachers]
1. Aim of Education :
Education is a continuous and creative process.Its aim is to develop the capacities latent in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress of society, by equipping children with spiritual, moral and material knowledge.
2. Education to Realise Truth :
Within this creative process, it is possible to achieve an essential harmony between faith and reason through an approach to education that encourages the free investigation of all reality and trains the mind to recognize truth, irrespective of its origin.
3. True Education :
True education releases capacities, develops analytical abilities, confidence in himself, will power and goal setting competencies, and instils the vision that will enable him to become self-motivating agent of social change, serving the best interests of the community.
4. Expanded Definition of Eduation :
Today, education needs an expanded definition that frees it from today's largely economic context and acknowledges its role in transforming both individual lives and entire society.
5. Objectives of Education :
Education in terms of the knowledge, qualities, skills, attitudes, and capacities that enable individuals to become conscious subjects of their growth and active responsible participants in a systematic process of building a new world order.
6. Education as an Instrument of Change :
Educated persons should understand their positions as members of both a local community and the world community and they must believe that their lives can make a difference.
7. Education for Individual & Community Growth :
Education makes the child a collaborator both in his own growth and in the development of his community.
A well-educated community member is a determined yet humble participant, who helps overcome conflict and division thereby contributing to a spirit of unity and collaboration.
8. Education not only for Economic Growth :
Although economic considerations are recognized as necessary in educational planning, resistance is growing against the conventional view that education is chiefly a means for only improving the individual's own economic situation.
9. More than Words Alone :
An educational approach directed towards personal growth and social transformation, and based on the belief that human beings are essentially spiritual, however, must go well beyond a mere statement of purpose.
10. Tapping Inner Forces :
But moral values are not the only constructive elements of social processes, rather, they are expressions of the inner forces that operate in the spiritual reality of every human being, and education must concern itself with these forces, if it is to tap the roots of motivation and produce meaningful and lasting change.
11. The purpose of Education :
The purpose of education for individuals both male and female --- is to develop the powers and capacities latent within them, so that they may contribute their share to an ever advancing civilization.
12. The Relevance of Education :
Universal education must be relevant to the true needs of a community and contribute to the unification of mankind. It must enable people both to move in the direction of their own choosing and help them appreciate those universal qualities that distinguish the entire human race.
13. Women & Education :
Women must be educated not only for the service they render to humanity as the first educators of children, but ultimately, for the special contribution women must make to the creation of a just world order, an order characterized by such compassion, vigour and scope which has never been seen in human history.
14. Education should help self discovery :
Education should lead to the discovery and perfection of one's capabilities and instil a commitment to serve the best interests of the community and the world as a whole.
15. Moral Education Community Responsibility :
The dual responsibility of developing the child’s character and stimulating his intellect, belongs also to the community as a whole, including the father, grandparents, and neighbours. Indeed the extended family and a close community may provide the best environment for nurturing children.
16. Spiritual Approach to Moral Education :
Awareness of the necessity to free people from religious bigotry and fanaticism gives rise to a non-sectarian yet spiritual approach to moral education.
17. Words and deeds supported by Moral Force :
When words and actions are not directed by a moral force, scientific knowledge and technological know how lead us readily to misery as they do to prosperity and happiness.
18. Education for Social Change:
At certain moments in history, education must also act as a powerful instrument for profound social transformation.
19. Education for Individual & Social Growth :
Increasingly, it is becoming evident that education should be examined in the light of its contribution to individual growth and to bring about fundamental structural changes in society, changes which are necessary for the creation of a just, peaceful, and harmonious environment.
20. Concern for Social Progress:
Education should lead to an adequate understanding of some of the concerns of programmes of social progress, such as health and sanitation, agriculture, crafts and industry, at least in the local context.
21. Service UnLocks Capacity :
The realization that it is chiefly service to humanity and dedication to the unification of mankind that unlock individual capacity and release creative powers latent in human nature.
22. Balance between Culture and Values :
Commitment to the unity of mankind implies a balance between the study of one’s own cultural heritage and an exploration of those universal qualities that distinguish the entire human race.
23. Cultivate Virtues and Skills:
Human beings are inherently noble, and the purpose of education is to cultivate such attributes, skills, virtues and qualities as will enable them to contribute their share to the building of an ever advancing civilization.
24. A Positive Attitude Towards Learning :
Indeed, the cultivation of positive attitudes towards learning is now coming to be perceived as a precondition for the achievement of most social and economic goals and objectives.
25. Excellence in Productive Skill :
A reasonable degree of excellence in at least one productive skill through which individuals can experience the truth that work is worship, when performed in a spirit of service, and can secure the means of existence with dignity and honour.
26. An Aid for Intellectual Investigation :
Some development of the individual’s capacity for intellectual investigation as a distinguishing power of the human mind and as an indispensable instrument for successful community action.
27. Dignity and Decision Making:
Individuals should be skilled in the art of consultative decision making and empowered with the sense of their own dignity and worth.
28. Recognize Nobility and Capacities :
This notion of the student as inherently noble, yet in need of patient cultivation, implies that the teacher must be a model of nobility, self-actualization and discipline. Sound character is ultimately more important than intellectual brilliance. The teacher must also see the nobility and capacity in each student recognizing that a lack of opportunity is different from lack of capacity.
**Courtesy from "The Role & Goal of Education" website