From Ann's Education Portfolio

Technology is increasing the diversity of information available to students and teachers. One of the example is the 'Internet' which obviously provides a unique opportunity to enhance instructional methods, appeal to different learning styles and methods, alternatives in dealing with students and not forgetting the MAIN GOAL is to achieve the 'Educational Goals' established by the respectives Boards and such.

But as for me, education is quite 'delicious' depending on each individual. The taste that they sense might be slightly different from what the others taste. Education is a very vital issue in our life. But again it depends on the person on how they analyze, interpret and make use of the information.

Feel free to browse my blog.

Ms. Ann @ Nurul 'Ain Abd Razak /

Facebook : Ann Da Pinkish

What Is 'Reflections'?

What is 'Reflections'?

Reflections are detailed narratives in which students self evaluate and consider their learning.

Benefits of reflections 
  • help students provide an overview of what they have learned
  • give evidence of a clear understanding of various topics, issues, challenges, and procedures
  • also give insights into decision-making
  • illustrate the development of competencies at various stages
  • describe how coursework, professional development activities, internships, and other learning experiences prepare students for a career
  • demonstrate their intellectual development and their understanding and knowledge of subject content.
Reflections & Artifacts

Reflections should have artifacts, and reflections may also link to other documents, images, spreadsheets, etc. The artifacts document the learning described in the reflection. For example, in a reflection, a student may discuss how a particular paper that the student wrote for a course gave him or her special insight, in which case it would be natural either to attach that paper or to link to it.

Artifacts might be written papers, PowerPoint presentations, images, bibliographies, links to web pages, etc. When the students begin to self assess, a necessary part of this assessment will be to reflect upon these previously-created artifacts.

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