Let’s start blogging!
Dr. Sadiah assigned us to develop our own blog (individual work). You know what? The moment she announces the ‘BLOG’ assignment, I became a bit coo-coo, because I’m REALLY REALLY REALLY, I mean REALLY excited! Ahh…. Bloggggggg……… Phew……~! At least I’m common with it..but not to say that I’m an expert, at least I know the common usage of it.
Well, we have to start develop our blog starting Week 3 and by the end of the semester (Week 14), it’ll be evaluated by our respective lecturer, Dr. Sadiah. The Blog will consist of 30% marks for our course… That is a VERY BIG number you know..!
As usual as for part-timers like me, the blog development cannot be done periodically. I don’t really have the time to sit down in front of my lappy and start blogging all the time. So, For the time being, I have to select a template (this is very hard because all the templates are VERY VERY CUTE and GORGEOUS!). At first I used the pinkish theme but I don't think it would be appropriate for an E-portfolio under my Masters Programme. So I shifted to another template, which is black. And again, the template was too dull and gloomy.. I dont think this would reflect good on me coz obviously I'm not that kind of person (dark and gloomy).. I'm energetic, fun, out-spoken, funny and motivated. So, by using my characteristics, i choose this template as my final selection. :)
First Attempt: Pink Glossy Heart from http://btemplates.com/

Second Attempt : Black and Red Template from http://btemplates.com
Final and Permanent Selection
This week I've added some few stuff on my blog :
- Welcome Note
- About Me
- Uploaded My CV via Google Docs
- Added some Educalicious Videos from Youtube.com
It has been quite some time I've left my blog without supervision..hehhe... I guess, It's better if I start to focus on developing my 'Philosophies' section. So, I've finished the :
- Philosophy of Science Education
- National Philosphy of Education
- Professional Development Plan (PDP)
- My Philosophy of Teaching & Learning
- My Teaching Goals
- My Professional Development Plan (PDP)
Week 11
Since now it’s already Week 11, it seems that I have to pick up what have left behind in my blog and I have to be a wonderpet character to save my own 'life'. :) 'Ape yang penting? Kerjasammmaaaaa...' uhh...sorry, that is not related at all.. ehemm... :]
This week, I have work my as* out and have covered several areas such as:
- What is 'Reflections' And 'Artifacts'?
- Document Analysis Of The Smart School
- Overal Blog/E-portfolio Development
- Smart Board Lesson Development
- Camtasia Studio 6/Camtasia Lesson Development
- Picasa (Photo Editing, Video and Collage)
Educalicious Videos
- Red Blood Cells
- Understanding Asthma (Part 1)Treating Asthma (Part 2)
- Preventing Asthma (Part 3)
- Exercise And Asthma (Part 4)
- Oxygen Transport In Human Body
- Tutorial : How to Prepare A Good Blood Smear
- Wedge Method Blood Smear For Wright Staining
- Twilight: Eclipse Movie Trailer (30.06.2010)
- Music Video - Akon (Be With You)
- Music Video - Incubus (I Miss You)
- Music Video - K-Ci & Jojo (All My Life)
- Music Video - Natalie Imbruglia (Torn)
- Music Video - NeYo (Never Knew I Needed)
- Music Video - Justin Biebier Fr. Ludacris (Baby)
- Music Video - Mathew Santos (Shadows In A Shoe Box)
I guess, by next week (Week 12), I can finish it up to 85%. Insya'Allah. I’m planning to make it ready 100% for the evaluation by Week 13.
Oh, by the way, the name of my blog is ‘ann.educalicious.blogspot.com’ .. It means, Miss Ann (that’s me) is saying that the EDUCAtion is delicious.. I combined the EDU and LICIOUS word = EDUCALICIOUS.. hehehe….