From Ann's Education Portfolio

Technology is increasing the diversity of information available to students and teachers. One of the example is the 'Internet' which obviously provides a unique opportunity to enhance instructional methods, appeal to different learning styles and methods, alternatives in dealing with students and not forgetting the MAIN GOAL is to achieve the 'Educational Goals' established by the respectives Boards and such.

But as for me, education is quite 'delicious' depending on each individual. The taste that they sense might be slightly different from what the others taste. Education is a very vital issue in our life. But again it depends on the person on how they analyze, interpret and make use of the information.

Feel free to browse my blog.

Ms. Ann @ Nurul 'Ain Abd Razak /

Facebook : Ann Da Pinkish

Picasa Videos

All the videos are made by me.. I've uploaded those vids in YouTube .You can click the video to get the direct link to YouTube...

Video One : Made by me using the Picasa Movie Maker... This is my first attempt..

Video Two : Another attempt of video making.. this video has a background music..

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